UV Led retrofit: renew saving your investments

Currently worldwide for uv curing ovens used in any application where it is necessary the ultraviolet light for the treatment of products containing UV photoinitiators, the light source is the mercury metal-halide lamp, in some cases with halides (gallium, iron or lead) . For decades, the technology of the UV light source is not changed. Power Supplies have been improved, arriving in recent years to adjustable power electronic ballasts and energy saving, but the UV lamp has remained always the same.
The advent of the new UV LED technology is now bringing a revolution in the sources of light, both for traditional lighting, and in the UV light sources professional field .
Technological changes that are taking place, are involving professionals and operators of the industry, who perhaps on other occasions were rather 'closed' , reluctant and not very sensitive to innovations, focusing more on practical aspects rather than on the real novelty of their business sector.
With LED UV systems , many obstacles have been overcome, combining functionality , energy saving, no maintenance , with clear advantages :
- no mechanical moving parts ( shutters )
- high emission power
- drastic reduction of heat emission
- high security guarantees
- cut of emissions more harmful
- absence of polluting substances (mercury used in the lamp) .
The replacement with UV LEDs of systems that are using UV mercury lamps, allows a true "upgrade " of technology in UV curing ovens, saving at the same time what previously was invested, that doesn't need replacement because it is still efficient.
Photo Electronics is at disposal of any end user, installer and manufacturer who requests it , to quote the best UV Led system solution to install over an oven, in order to upgrade the current light source. The equipment is naturally complete in all its parts, ready to operate .
It is good to clarify that the investment can be accomplished without any doubt. Our company will give assurances that the new system will be suitable for the processing cycle in your job. Hence no negative surprise there will be about the functionality of the system.
In case of further doubts, with a little contribution, subsequently refunded at the confirmation of the order, our technicians are available at your request for demonstrations and tests directly on your production line.
Each test can also be carried out in collaboration with the supplier of UV products you are using ( inks, paints, adhesives etc.) in order to verify their compatibility.