UV Led coating in building industry
Inkjet digital printing and UV LED coating in the building industry
The digital decoration inkjet can be extended in different areas as building industry where many materials based on cement and fibre cement, used for coatings and floorings, are embellished by digital decoration.
Agglomerate concrete flooring and fibre cement coatings are nowadays poor products; the same producers hardly can get profitability in sales.
With digital printing technology it’s possible to decorate these materials and get them embellished, giving them an added value that is now required and appreciated by the market.
The decoration done must be protected by possible deterioration events. The deterioration phenomena more frequent can be: wear, scratches, solar ageing, thermal changes, rainfall, weather and chemical agents.
To protect the print from these phenomena, a specific coating it’s needed, depending on where the material will be placed and its function.
Thanks to the industry alliance of Photo Electronics, UV coating manufacturers and manufacturers of digital inkjet printers, it is possible to offer complete solutions for decoration and print protection.
Photo Electronics offers its UV LED technology and expertise, as with DROLED LAMPS it is possible to cure both digital inks and protective Coating UV LED, during multi and single-pass digital printing processes.