Linear UV Led lamps
Linear UV Led lamps
DROLED UV LED lamps are all modular and adaptable; they have variable characteristics depending on the specific requirements and can be distinguished by: irradiance width (40-400mm), peak irradiance (2-16W/cm2) and wavelength (365-385- 395-405 nm).
The air cooling system is fully integrated into the body of the lamp and the emitting window can be switched on/off and regulated partially.
DROLED UV LED lamps, thanks to their features, replace completely the traditional UV mercury lamps.
Depending on the model, four optical systems are available for the best adaptation of the Droled lamp to the UV system where it will be applied.
1) FLAT WINDOW OPTICS. It permits to achieve an high exposure time in the Curing phase.
The radiation comes out with a wide angulation, of about 120°.
Application: Complete polymerization few mm. from the emitting window.
2) FOCUSED LENS OPTICS. It permits to focus the radiation in long distances and obtain an high irradiance value, using the light reflection and refraction principles.
Application: Complete polymerization far from the emitting window.
3) ROD LENS OPTICS. Ideal to collimate the radiation that comes out from the emitting window, achieving a very tight light beam, a consequent low exposure time and a reduction in rays dispersions outside the target area.
Application: Gelification and ink pinning, also far from the emitting window.
4) ANGLED ROD LENS OPTICS. Ideal to collimate the radiation that comes out from the emitting window,achieving a very tight light beam, a consequent low exposure time and a reduction in rays dispersions outside he target area.
The outbound light is angled compared to the lamp axis and that permit to distance the target area from the inkjet printhead.
Application: Gelification and ink pinning, also far from the emitting window, through an angled light beam.